Sunday, April 09, 2006

Bleeding Heart Republicans

For whom do Republican hearts bleed? For those who believe anything, it bleeds for a bunch of Arabs half way around the world. Nevermind that they have no reservations about stepping over homeless war veterans of the American breed sleeping in the street. Republican hearts bleed for Iraqis. Oh, how it bleeds. So far, this holocaust has emptied the American coffers to the tune of 3 trillion (that's with a capital 'T') dollars and counting. What a heart hath our Republican brethren! To think pacifists and peace campaigners thought they were the bleeding hearts in America. Nothing tops these bleeding-heart Republicans. They tell us that it was the good and moral thing to do because those poor, helpless people lived under tyranny. Nevermind that the overwhelming majority of them begged America not to save them in that way.

Of course we know the original tall tale was that a) they were 100% sure that there were WMD (wow, what a term) in Iraq; and b) that Saddam Hussein was dumb enough to use them against the United States (half way around the world, no less) aggressively.

Something stinks to high heaven - a stench from the bowels of Hell wherein lies a particular oval office, oval desk, oval chair and an oval asshole shitting uncontrollably all over the place without the slightest regard for humanity.

So the bleeding heart(less) risked life and limb of somebody else's children to "save" Iraqis while Americans drowned in a cesspool called Katrina. How utterly pathetic is that?


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